Always recruiting great players. Don't hesitate to
Ninjapartio is a Finnish guild on Darksorrow EU concentrating
mostly on 25 man raiding but also having a strong social community
and activity outside 25 man raiding (pvp, casual 10 man raids,
chilling etc.). We have a long history starting from July 2005 when
we started being casual guild without any lvl 60 members. Soon
guild started growing as well as hunger for raiding and after
couple months of premade Arathi Basin we started raiding Molten
Core in December 2005.
In TBC we got our first server first kill (Lady Vashj) and after
that we've been quite successful getting most of server firsts and
being around 100th in the world (25 man) with pretty stable raid
progress. Our most notable achievements are probably Finland's 1st
Kil'jaeden kill and:
- world top 10 Alone in the Darkness (10 man)
- world top 20 Algalon the Observer (10 man)
- world top 50 Alone in the Darkness (25 man)
- world top 50 Algalon the Observer (25 man)
- world top 50 Anub'arak heroic (25 man)
- world top 60 Sha of Fear (25 man)
We raid four days a week (Wed, Thu, Sun, Mon) from 18.00 to around
22.00 when progressing (Finnish time). Raid can be extended by 1
hour if boss kill is close.
We are always recruiting great players. If you think you are the
person we are looking for, don't hesitate to make an apply on our
forums at